I really don't have a clue. I'm stumbling around in the dark here, but I figure who isn't these days. Who am I? Who gives an "F"? I'm a random person, among a zillion other random people who lives life day to day attempting to maintain an illusion of control.
I write. It's my high, my drug in a world where the drug of choice will eat at your flesh and makes your teeth fall out. I figure writing is safer. I'm less likely to wake up one morning in an alley wondering where my panties are and why I don't have a shirt.
I write romance mainly. **GASP** I have been known to put pen and paper to Historical, Fantasy, and DARE I SAY IT?...Paranormal. Which right now is hotter than Joe Manganiello with his shirt off. You know...
This is not all that I write, but it's my genre of choice. I figured I'd start this blog as a way to motivate me not to give up. To keep working toward my goal of actually being published and to share a bit of the frustrations and sentiments along the way.
So sit down, relax, take your shoes off and curl up. I have arrived.
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